Archetypes of the Soul

Lately, I have been thinking about the different parts of my personality, and how perfectly they correspond to the archetypes of my soul.

Last year, through an Angel Card Reading with my friend and gifted clairvoyant Kamia Shepherd, I discovered the two past lives that I am especially connected to in this present incarnation.

Kamia shared of a priestess from ancient Roma, who provided spiritual counsel to others. The second past life was as a Native American woman, who ran long distances over the land to deliver messages to other tribes of peace or peril.

In the last year since I received this reading, I have had time to integrate and connect to these two archetypes that live within me – memories and gifts that my soul has chosen to carry into this present lifetime. I feel these women both so strongly within me, guiding me back to who I truly am.

I am the wild woman, running through the forest with the wind in my hair and the earth beneath me. Inhaling the scent of the trees and plants. In this state is where I feel the most alive, the most free. This is a state I need to access on a regular basis to feel my body, to remember that I am human. To let go of the mind and flow down the trail. I have known this from a very young age – running is something that stays with me through every peak and valley of life.

I am also the peaceful, abundant, wise, loving priestess. In this version of Self, I envision myself dressed all in white, bathed in sunlight, walking lightly through a garden while the waves of a body of water catch the light in the backdrop behind me. In this version, I am relaxed, open, and ready to receive. This is my ultimate feminine embodiment. There is no reaching, striving, pushing, or forcing. Simply a relaxed, wise knowing. The ultimate trust and confidence in the universe.

These two archetypes may seem in direct opposition to one another, but I feel both inside of me every day. The masculine and the feminine, the yin and the yang. At my best, they are in perfect harmony. At my worst, one (typically the masculine) eclipses the other and throws everything in my life off balance.

In recent years, as I worked hard to achieve desires that were mostly born out of ego, I almost completely forgot about the feminine part of the Self. A distorted version of the masculine took over – working hard, working long hours, hustling like crazy to prove worthiness. This is in direct contradiction with my human design type. I am a Projector, which is inherently a very feminine energy of waiting for recognition and invitation. Essentially, I was completely out of balance.

The combination of discovering Human Design, learning about important past lives through an Angel Reading with Kamia, and also rewiring my brain through a subconscious reprogramming program (To Be Magnetic) has helped me to realign with my true nature. It has taken a tremendous commitment to honouring the divine feminine within. To trusting that opportunities will find their way to me if I simply do everything in my power to get into a state of BE-ing where I am ready to receive.

Regardless of energy type, personality, past lives, or other factors, we each have a divine feminine and a divine masculine that seek to be expressed. For me, from the relaxed, receptive state of the priestess, a fierce runner can emerge, ready to conquer the world. Honouring this duality within – the archetypes of my soul – has been an essential part of my evolution that I continue to explore and honour each day.




The Plight of an Open Heart


Your True Nature