What is Human Design?

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The basic premise of Human Design is that each and every person on the planet is a perfect, whole, and complete component of nature. Each individual has a different body graph, which depicts everything from our energy field (aura) to the unique talents and skills we bring to this current lifetime. Body graphs are calculated from an individual’s birth time, date, and location, and are based on a combination of four ancient wisdom traditions: The I’Ching, the Chakra system, the Tree of Life, and Western Astrology.

Human Design is the science of differentiation. Each person on this planet is completely unique, and has a specific way of naturally using their energy and talents in the world. Unfortunately, due to conditioning from our families, peers, and society at large, we are often encouraged to live in ways that are not in alignment with our true nature.

An understanding of your Human Design chart provides a roadmap back to your true self. Sessions with Courtney allow for a deeper dive into the particulars of your chart, and for guidance in the process of releasing anything that is holding you back from living in alignment with your true nature.

Courtney’s FREE Introduction to Human Design Guide is a great place to start learning about and applying this revolutionary wisdom!

Ready to dive deeper? Check out my FREE Introduction to Human Design Guide!