Human Design Readings

Human Design Reading: A powerful tool for healing and alignment

In your Human Design Reading, you will discover and apply the essential components of your Human Design chart. You will learn about your unique energetic blueprint, how to make decisions in connection with your body, your unique strengths, and much more. A Human Design Reading is a supportive and empowering session to help you to realign with your true nature.

Human Design Readings at a Glance.

  • Human Design Readings are 75 minutes long and are $222CAD

  • Sessions are held over Zoom from anywhere in the world

  • Human Design Readings are not an on-the-spot interpretation of your chart. Before we meet, I read you chart and take extensive notes. I show up to our 75 minute session together ready to deliver all of the most important information about your chart and prepared to guide you towards implementing that information in your daily life.

  • Human Design Readings can be recorded upon request (recommended), for you to listen back to at a later time for additional support and integration.

**NEW - Mini HD Readings

On a trial basis, I am now offering “mini” Human Design Readings. These are 30 minute readings for $99CAD - a perfect introduction for those looking to dip their toes in to Human Design OR those who know about their chart already and would like a shorter session to address a specific question.


A Human Design Reading is for you if:

  • You want to discover more about who you truly are

  • You’re looking for practical tools that will help you to navigate in this world

  • You are hoping for clarity on your strengths, your purpose, and what is holding you back

  • You want clarity on relationships and how you relate to others and the world around you

  • You are ready to embark on an incredible journey of living fully as the highest expression of your Self

What’s covered in a Reading?

You will learn:

  • How your energy works

  • Why you are the way that you are

  • How to make decisions in connection with your body

  • Your unique strengths

  • Potential roadblocks for you and what might cause you to get off-track

  • Where you are prone to picking up on energy from others and the world around you, and tools for managing that

Aspects of Human Design that I cover in a reading:

  • Energy Type

  • Strategy

  • Authority

  • Profile

  • True self/Not-self

  • Open Centres

  • Defined Centres

  • Channels

  • Most important Gates

  • Anything else that might come up as being important to explore (these readings are not always linear, and we’ll go with the energy of the moment and what is coming up as being important to dive into)

    (PS: Don’t worry if you don’t know what these words mean! No prior Human Design knowledge is required when booking your reading).

More Info.

  • I work with adults ages 18+ who are committed to their personal growth and transformation.

  • “I’m going through a massive life transition (e.g. career change, retirement, Saturn Return, etc.) and I would like to understand more about myself and receive guidance with taking the next steps”

    “I’m going through a spiritual awakening and I need to talk to someone who ‘gets it’ and can provide me with guidance”

    “I feel deep down that I have a greater purpose/mission in my life, but I’m having a hard time accessing what that might be”

    “I have questions about my relationships and how Human Design can help me to have more harmonious relationships with the people in my life (partner, parents, kids, etc.)”

    “I feel tired, burnt out, and generally “blah” more often than I’d like. I need guidance for moving out of that state and into my power and purpose.”

    “I want to achieve my highest potential in this lifetime. I have big dreams, and I need some guidance to align with them.”

    “I am curious to know myself more deeply”

  • I have an entire page dedicated to that! Read it here.

Meet your Guide.

Hi, I’m Courtney! I am here on this Earth plane as a guide, teacher, and leader for those who truly see me and commit fully to their own inner transformation. When you enter my energetic field I offer the gift of refinement; All that does not belong in your life is encouraged to fall away, and all that is meant for you is called in. I help people to boldly step forward in the direction of their soul’s path and to heal + transmute any patterns and energy that no longer serves them.

In more earthy terms, I studied human behaviour (counselling psychology, education, kinesiology, sports psychology) at the post-secondary level for over a decade. My studies led to a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology from the University of Calgary, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical and Health Education from McGill University. Additionally, I have spent the last five years immersed in personal and professional exploration of the Human Design System.

I’m here to remind you of the creator being that you are. I’m here to orient you towards living in alignment with your soul’s highest purpose and potential. I’m here to guide you on your journey with sensitivity, care, and compassion. 

Because the world needs your light. And the time to shine it is now.


  • No. As of May 2024, I am no longer issuing insurance receipts for my 1:1 sessions.

  • Some clients like to record sessions to listen back to later to gain additional insights. This will be discussed within the first few minutes of the session. Sessions are never recorded without your explicit consent.

  • Payment is accepted via credit card at the time of booking. If you are a Canadian resident and would like to pay by e-transfer instead, please email to set up your appointment time and arrange the payment.

  • Please reach out.

Schedule Your Human Design Reading Here.