What to expect in a 1:1 Session

  • Deep guidance and feeling very seen. As a Projector in Human Design, my energetic gift is being able to see deeply into the core of other people, especially in a 1:1 situation. From this deep seeing emerges guidance that is very specific to you as an individual, and to where you are at in the present moment.

  • A sensitivity to your needs. In my Human Design chart I have channel 19-49, which is about being sensitive to what is needed in a given situation. This sensitivity provides me with access to the energetic dynamics of specific situations, which allows me to bring to light elements that may not have previously been clear to you.

  • Storytelling and real-life examples. In my Human Design chart I have channel 13-33, which is about going out into the world and having experiences, taking time to reflect on those experiences, and then turning that raw material into useful stories and information that can benefit others. In my 1:1 sessions, I provide many real-life examples of Human Design in action. I draw upon my own lived experiences and observations, as well as the conversations I’ve had with hundreds of people about their Human Design charts and their lived experiences with certain chart components.

  • A passion for change and revolution. As someone with an emotional wave in Human Design, I am naturally a very passionate person, especially when it comes to the massive shifts our world is currently undergoing. I believe that the single most important thing any of us can do right now is to take our power back through realigning with our uniqueness. I am so passionate about the 1:1 work that I do because I truly know that you coming into alignment with your true self and learning how to make decisions that are best for you will change the world in amazing ways. When you book a session with me because you desire some sort of change in your life and you feel a deep calling to a new way of being in this world, know that I am just as passionate as you are about your journey.

  • Humour. At the end of the day (at least on my best days!) I am a very light-hearted person. Most of my sessions involve at least some laughter. The healing journey can be so intense and can take us to some of the darkest places within ourselves. I believe it’s important to balance that out with fun, play, and laughter whenever we can and wherever it is appropriate to do so.

  • Professionalism, high ethical standards, and confidentiality. As a professionally-trained counsellor, I take these issues very seriously and it is always at the forefront of my mind to create a safe and professional environment for 1:1 work to occur.

  • Compassion, empathy, and human-ness. Just like you, I am a human on a healing journey and a mission to realign with my true nature. We are fellow travellers on this journey, and while I have certainly not experienced exactly the same things you have, I have great compassion for the bravery that it takes to face the deepest parts of oneself. Infused into my work is a deeply felt sense of compassion, empathy, and respect for you and your journey as a fellow traveller on this wild ride through life. It truly is a heartbreaking yet revolutionary time to be alive on planet Earth, and I admire all souls who came here to awaken to deep Truth and to face their own shadows while stepping forward into the light.

  • A blend of practicality and mysticism. I am someone who likes to balance practicality and mysticism. I care just as much about the archetypes of your soul and your energetic DNA as I do about your daily life decisions and struggles. We are eternal souls, yet we are here on Earth in these human bodies, in a material world with material needs and issues. Perhaps this is why I enjoy working with Human Design so much - as a system, I believe it does an amazing job of embracing both mystical and practical sides of the human experience. I believe this is what is needed for a truly holistic approach to healing and alignment.