Your True Nature


What does “wake up to your true nature” really mean?

I think that the biggest problem facing humanity today is that we have lost sight of our connection to nature. We have lost sight of our connection to ourselves. And this is the same thing, because we are a part of nature.

We often get confused about this. Common discourse is that humans are destroying nature. It is as though we are separate from her. But we are not. We are intimately, inextricably, connected.

Mother nature, Gaia, our Earth is currently in a state of rebalancing. She has gotten too hot. She is recalibrating in the only way she knows how.

It is not that the Earth that is sick, per se. It is humanity that is sick. It is humanity that has forgotten how to be human. It is humanity that has forgotten that we are a part of an intelligent, interconnected system. We have forgotten who we are.

So, it is not the world that is sick. It is us. We are sick. We are lost. We are confused. We are disconnected from nature, which means that we are disconnected from ourselves. We are destroying nature, which means we are destroying ourselves. And we are only able to do this because we are so disconnected.

Not only are we disconnected from the natural world through the comforts and “necessities” of modern society, but we are also disconnected from the natural world in the sense that we are disconnected from our souls, our energy bodies, who we truly are.

The time has come to wake up. To reconnect. To remember who we are.

The time has come to wake up to our true nature.

Simple ways to wake up to your true nature:

1.    Integrate the four elements into your daily life

  • Fire: Make a fire in the wood stove, meditate to a candle, have a bonfire in your backyard, go in a sauna or steam room, take a hot yoga class, exercise, feel the sun on your skin

  • Water: Really appreciate your shower, take a bath, swim in a lake or the ocean, paddle on a body of water, dance in the rain, take the time to feel gratitude for the clean water you drink

  • Air: Get outside and breathe in the fresh air, go forest bathing, practice yoga or breath work, do an activity that lets you feel the wind against your face such as biking or skiing, watch the clouds during the day and marvel at the stars at night

  • Earth: Ground your hands or feet into dirt or grass, do a meditative walk where you notice each footstep, lie down in the grass or snow, put your hands on a tree, climb up a rock, walk barefoot on a beach

2.    Reconnect with what you used to love to do as a child. Create time in your adult life for that.

3.    Reconnect with your creativity. We are all highly creative beings in one way or another. In which ways are you yearning to create?

4.    Connect with the food and substances you put in your body. Notice how you feel after a meal, or after you consume caffeine, alcohol, or other drugs. Be deeply honest with yourself about what is serving your highest good.

5.    Examine the relationships you are allowing into your life. How do you feel after interacting with someone? Again, be deeply honest with yourself about this. Set boundaries.

6.    Reconnect with your body. Your body contains infinite wisdom. Do not ignore its signals. Do activities that allow you to bypass the busy-ness of the mind and reconnect with the body. These activities could be different for everyone. For some, it might be exercise. For others, it will be yoga and meditation. For others, it will be playing music, dancing, or making bread. Which activities put you back in touch with your body?

7.    Reconnect with your soul. What makes your soul sing? What does your soul yearn to do? Meditate, journal, run, do whatever you can to put you back in touch with your soul. This puts you back in touch with the divine, with the infinite. This is an essential part of life here on Earth. 

8.    Learn about your Human Design through a course, reading, or self-study. Remind your soul of how you came to use your energy and unique gifts on this planet at this time.

9.    Connect with a trusted practitioner for support with this process – whether a counsellor, massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, healer, or card reader. Trust your intuition to find which modality is best for you.  



Archetypes of the Soul