A Changing World



Sometimes, change is so gradual and subtle that it is barely noticed. It is a smooth, calm process of gradually becoming something new.


Other times, change is more abrupt – like a hurricane or an earthquake, shaking us to the core and forcing us to re-examine the way we are living our lives.


The changes currently being experienced on this planet feel, to most, like the latter. As a collective, we are being “earthquaked” out of old ways and into a new reality.


There is no going back and the world will never be the same again. Every system and structure on Earth is being put to the test. Some will collapse, some will adapt and continue to exist. Either way, this crisis is not-so-gently forcing major and needed changes to the world.


We are realizing that we are a global community and that we are inextricably linked. Many who have a regular spiritual practice of any kind will have *known* this to be true already. Now, in our physical reality, we are all being given the opportunity to see and experience our interconnectedness in real time.


We are also being shown the importance of self-love, self-care, and self-compassion. We are being shown that without our health we have nothing. And in order to have true, real, vibrant health, the only choice is to take responsibility for our lives. To take responsibility for our energy, who we choose to exchange energy with, and where we choose to invest this powerful resource. The choice is ours – it always has been. And now many are seeing so clearly that it is no longer possible to place our power in the hands of any institution. We must, as a collective, have the courage to stand up for ourselves, to set physical and energetic boundaries, and to say “no” to anything not serving our highest good.



Every single person on the planet is here for a reason and is needed at this time. We are all essential pieces in the global puzzle of life. Again – we are ALL needed for the unique gifts that we bring to this world.


While this time is undeniably terrifying and anxiety-provoking, one gift I have experienced this week is re-examining my “anyway.” I have been asking myself: What would I be doing “anyway?” In other words: What would I do/say/think/be/create if there was no external reward for it? If I did not get money, recognition, or an ego-boost of any kind?


These are the answers I came up with:

-       Spending time connecting to loved ones

-       Spending time in nature

-       Physical activity, especially running, team sports, and yoga

-       Helping others transcend their ego and connect to their true selves

-       Anything to do with music (listening to it, playing piano, singing in the shower, dancing around the house)

-       Writing (journaling, poetry, blogging)

-       Cooking delicious and healthy food


In the uncertainty of these times, in my little corner of the Universe, I am experiencing races being cancelled, class schedules begin adjusted, possibly (I am guessing probably) my graduation being cancelled, along with other potential disruptions. These cancellations have allowed me to see very clearly what I would focus on if there was no external reward at the end of the journey. Would I still write if no one were to ever read my words? Yes. Would I still run if there was no race to compete in? Yes. Would I still study to be a counsellor if I didn’t get to cross the stage and have a moment of pride after three years of hard work? Yes.



Wherever you are at in these tumultuous times, I encourage you to meet yourself with love and compassion. And, if you feel called (as I did), take some time to consider what you would be doing/creating/thinking'/being “anyway.” Because this “anyway” may just be the true reason that you are here.


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Sending love to all beings as we navigate these changes together. Let’s let the light in through these cracks.


Personal Power


“Radical” Self-Love