“Radical” Self-Love

Feeling good is your birthright.

Conditioning from your family and society at large may have convinced you otherwise, but this is the absolute truth.

Let me clarify what I mean by “feeling good.” I am not talking about hedonism, and doing things that may feel good for a minute, an hour, or a day, but that ultimately do not fill you up (at best), or cause you harm (at worst).

I am talking about feeling good on a soul level. This feeling, for me, is hard to describe yet it is undeniable. I call it the SO GOOD feeling – where every fibre of your being is vibrating with a resounding HELL YES!

Achieving this feeling takes a deep commitment to the Self and to experimenting with what feels good to you. Not because someone told you to do it (e.g. self care is exercise, eating healthy, and bubble bathes). Not because of societal programming you may have picked up. Not in service of your ego.

Do it because it feels amazing in your body/mind/heart/soul.


I truly believe that this form of “radical” (although I hope/believe that one day it will be considered normal) self-love is the best, fastest way to raise your vibration, transform your life, and wake up to your true nature.


Understanding your Human Design can help with this, because it shows the areas that are truly “you”, that you may or may not have accepted, as well as the areas where you are prone to picking up conditioning from others. Skilled counsellors can also help you to navigate this process of examining your life. Of pinpointing what is and isn’t working; Reconditioning limiting beliefs and patterns; Decluttering what is holding you back; Eliminating what is doing you harm; and Adding in what your soul deeply desires.


It is your absolute birthright to be vibrant. To achieve a lightness of being that feels amazing to live out and equally amazing for others to be around.


If you are going to commit to one thing that will help you back towards your true nature, let it be this: To do everything in your power to feel amazing. That feeling of SO. Good. What makes you feel so good and happy? Like, TRULY happy? Not for 5 minutes, but in a permanent, glowing, radiant way? 


I am not writing this from a higher, all-knowing place. I am in the thick of it as well, asking myself these questions every day. Today, I am writing this from my bed in a state of complete exhaustion because I got caught up in far too much “doing” last week for my Projector self to handle. Even though I consciously cultivate the SO GOOD feeling and prioritize a schedule that allows me to feel vibrant, I think it is important to acknowledge that there will always be obstacles we will face. Life happens, events outside of your control will inevitably transpire, and you may have days, weeks, or months where it is impossible to take care of yourself in the way you know you would like to (as was the case for me last week!). It is all a process, and part of this “radical” self-love is “radical” acceptance: Accepting where you are at now, in this present moment, and deciding to love yourself no matter where that happens to be.


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