Letters to the Human Design Profile Lines

Did you know there is an aspect of Human Design that can help us to better understand our unique personalities? This aspect is called our profile, and it’s made up of two different numbers, with each number representing an archetype. There are twelve different profiles in total, some being more common and others being more rare. Any Energy Type can be any profile. This aspect of the chart is so helpful to learn about in terms of deeper self acceptance and self love.

If you haven’t looked up your profile yet, you can do so for free with my chart generator.

Some of us are more introverted “hermits”; Others are investigators who dive deep and like to find out everything they can on topics of interest. Some of us are skilled networkers, while others stand apart and act as role models. Many people are here to make mistakes and get messy, learning through trial and error. And some people are here to universalize wisdom, touching the lives of many people they meet along the way. Of course, how these archetypes play out depends on the other aspects of your chart. If you would like to dive into your chart with me, I would be happy to see you for a Human Design Reading.

Today I’m going to share a little about each of the six “profile lines” that make up the twelve profiles. There will be two profile lines that apply to you (e.g. if you are a 6/2 profile, read about the 2nd line and the 6th line). Read below for all of the details and feel free to share with other people in your life who might be interested.

Dear 1st line profile (1/3, 1/4, 4/1, and 5/1 profiles):

Inquisitive, curious, investigator of this world! How deep can you go down the rabbit hole of your interests? If anyone knows as much as there is to know about a given topic, it’s you.

You are the true definition of an expert in your field(s), but it may take you some time to feel stable enough in your knowledge base to accept the title of expert. What you dedicate yourself to learning forms a solid foundation for you to stand on, which makes you feel sturdier in this world.

You are the one to always dot your “i”s and cross your “t”s. You are the one who asks more questions, delving deeper. You are not satisfied with surface-level information. You came here to scuba dive; To explore the depths; To know as much as there is to know. For you, there is always another thread to follow, another question to ask, another layer to explore.

Where are you inquiries taking you in this moment? What have you already studied deeply? Where do you feel solid in your knowing, and thus ready to be seen as the expert that you are?

1st Line Archetype: The Investigator

Dear 2nd line profile (2/4, 2/5, 5/2, and 6/2 profiles):

Easy, breezy, free, and natural. How do you do what you do? You may not have an answer to that, and you may not even clearly see your own gifts. But they are there, I can assure you of that! Anyone who knows you sees your abundant natural talent, even when you can’t always clearly perceive it yourself.

You are someone who craves alone time. Moreover, you need to be left to your own devices on a regular basis to allow your natural talents to emerge, unencumbered.

Being over-coached or micromanaged does not work well for you. While you may benefit from a gentle hand guiding you along your way, what you really need most of the time is recognition of your gifts: Someone to remind you to keep going, to keep believing in yourself.

What comes as naturally as breathing to you? How can you create conditions in your life for your flow state to emerge? Where are you ready to take a leap of faith and allow your genius to pour out of you?

2nd Line Archetype: The Hermit/The Natural

Dear 3rd line profile (1/3, 3/5, 3/6, and 6/3 profiles):

You’ve been there, and done that. All those times you made a “mistake” or learned things the hard way? That was a part of your design. Experiential learning is your way.

You are here to get your hands dirty, to experiment your way through life, to extract the lessons and wisdom from each experience you encounter. The trial-and-error process is your greatest ally.

Your brand of wisdom runs deep. It’s not necessarily that you’ve studied or learned the most - it’s that you’ve actually experienced it. You’ve been there, in the trenches, going through it all, and you’ve made it out on the other side.

The lessons you gather along your path are pure gold, whether they are directly shared with others and/or deeply integrated and embodied in your own life.

What obstacles have you encountered on your path? Where have you bumped up against life? When you’ve picked yourself up and dusted yourself off again, which lessons emerge?

3rd Line Archetype: The Scientist/Experimenter

Dear 4th line profile (1/4, 2/4, 4/6, and 4/1 profiles):

You’re a masterful web-weaver of meaningful connections. Your ability to network and connect with others is unmatched.

Your people matter so much to you, and you matter deeply to them. At the highest expression, this is a beautiful symbiotic relationship. You give to your network, and your network gives back to you - naturally, organically, and without force.

You give because it feels right to give, and you open your arms to freely receive.

The quality of your life is dependent on the quality of your relationships, both the people closest to you and your wider network.

Being in your web of connections is a gift. Your very presence makes connections, weaving together a beautiful community of the heart wherever you go.

How are the people in your circle currently impacting your life? What is your Inner Authority saying about the people you are currently connected to? How does giving and receiving feel within your web of connections?

4th Line Archetype: The Networker

Dear 5th line profile (2/5, 3/5, 5/1, and 5/2 profiles):

Perhaps you are the most mysterious of all the profile lines. Who are you, really? The rest of the world may never be able to see you clearly.

Others see what they want to see, not necessarily what is real. These projections can be intense and confusing, especially if you take them too seriously.

“Know thyself” is essential advice for a 5th line, because when you are centred and rooted in a firm inner knowing, you are less likely to be swayed by the ever-changing nature of other people’s perceptions.

Are you the hero or the villain? The wisest person in town or the heretic to be burned at the stake? The answer may depend on who you ask!

This may feel like a lot to carry, but please know that the perceptions and projections of others are never your responsibility to manage, and they do not define who you are. You are here to be brave, to be seen, to step out and share your practical wisdom and solutions with many.

Where is your Inner Authority pulling you to share your wisdom? Where can you jump in and save the day, and where is it time to let go? Who is open to your wisdom, and who wants to tear you down?

5th Line Archetype: The Heretic

Dear 6th line profile (3/6, 4/6, 6/2, and 6/3 profiles):

You’ve been through it, I know you have. In this lifetime, and many lifetimes before. This is not your first rodeo!

You came here to be a role model for a new way of living - to show the world something it could never have dreamed was possible. You are here to learn lessons through doing and through observing, and to embody what you’ve learned as a role model for all to see.

In order to do this, you had to start your life by learning things the hard way. The situations and lessons that you struggle through and gain wisdom from before age 30 form the base layer of your embodied wisdom.

The next layer is the healing, observing, and objective wisdom you gain through taking a big step back from the thick of it all from ages 30-50. In this phase, you can see from a higher perspective.

After age 50, you have a rebirth of sorts, where you step out into the world as a fully-embodied role model of the themes and lessons you’ve been experiencing, witnessing, and integrating up to that point.

Many 6th lines say they feel as though their life really begins to take flight at age 50. You are a late bloomer, so don’t rush! You are not behind. For you, things just keep getting sweeter with time.

What is/are the theme(s) you’ve encountered as lessons throughout your life thus far? Which practices can you incorporate that allow you to embody your truth?How can you practice patience and grace with your lifelong learning process?

6th Line Archetype: The Role Model

Would you like to dive deeper into your profile and other aspects of your Human Design Chart?


I stopped running, and my life force returned