8 Principles of Life Purpose


Life purpose as a theme has been coming up huge lately in the collective. I see this as such a positive thing! It seems as though almost everyone I come across is, in some way, questioning what their purpose is and making an effort to align their life with it. I believe this is a sign of the times. Many of us who are incarnate on Earth at this time came for a BIG lifetime of growth, karma/trauma transmutation, learning, leading, and/or generally assisting humanity through a massive transition. When I was working in the education system, kids would ask me every day why they had to be in school, learning a curriculum that was completely outdated, and being forced to sit still and ignore many of their body’s signals. Along with this, many of them very clearly articulated what they would rather be doing instead (and no, it wasn’t always sitting at home playing video games or watching YouTube/Tik Tok! They had genuine, heart-centred ideas of how to use their strengths in the world in positive ways.). This, to me, shows that current generations are tapped in more than ever to their souls and their true reason for being here - beyond simply fitting into a box, doing the “right thing”, getting a “good job”, and phoning it in until retirement. The world is changing rapidly and we are evolving along with it!

Ok, so what is life purpose? How does it work? How do we activate it within ourselves?

To me, life purpose boils down to these eight principles:

  1. Life purpose unfolds over the entire lifespan

  2. Life purpose can be related to career (or not!)

  3. Life purpose is not something you have to go out and try to do

  4. Life purpose is the code(s) you carry that the world needs

  5. Life purpose is more obvious and unfolds more fully the “cleaner” and clearer your energy field becomes

  6. Life purpose is a gift for your fractal of consciousness

  7. Life purpose is always with you no matter what - there is nothing you can do to de-activate it

  8. Life purpose is alive within every aligned decision that you make

  1. Life Purpose Unfolds Over the Entire Lifespan

    I felt this was an important one to mention right off the bat. I often see people get a little bit frantic about living out their life purpose (and I myself have been guilty of this as well!). Once we are on a spiritual path and have had some awakening experiences, questions we often start to ask ourselves can include: Who am I? What am I doing here? What am I meant to do with my life? Sometimes, finding the answers to these questions can feel all-encompassing. We may feel as though we are running out of time, and even that we are a failure for not having it all figured out yet!

    If you find yourself experiencing this, I’m here to tell you that there is always enough time and that you are always right on time. Your life purpose unfolds over your entire lifespan. It’s definitely not something you need to have done and dialled by age 25! I’ve had many clients who have come to a deeper knowing of their life purpose later in life, and they have many observations about how their purpose unfolded in different ways at different stages of life. Your life purpose is who you BE, not what you DO. And, it deepens and shifts over your lifespan. So relax - you are divinely perfect just as you are in this present moment :)

  2. Life Purpose Can Be Related to Your Career (Or Not!)

    In the Western World especially, we often equate life purpose with career. While these two concepts are related, they are definitely NOT synonymous. I see life purpose as an enveloping, overarching set of themes and energies that your soul chose to embody in this lifetime. Career, on the other hand, is the work that you do to support yourself (and others, if you have children/dependents) here on Earth. For many, their career will contribute to their purpose in some way. For others, the way you make money will provide you with the resources and freedom to allow your purpose to shine through in other areas of life.

    The bottom line is that, more and more, we are being asked to fully align our lives with the energies of our greater soul purpose. We are being asked to bring our souls fully online with what we are engaging in every day, for as much time as possible. If you are spending 40 hours of your week feeling absolutely miserable in a soul-sucking job, your purpose is going to have a hard time shining through. What I often tell clients is that any job you take, especially a full-time job, should have you at least at a frequency of acceptance (i.e.: “I accept that I need to do this right now to pay the bills and get me to where I want to be for the next stage of life”). Honestly, I was in the frequency of acceptance for a lot of my counselling degree. There were times where I was at higher frequencies of enjoyment or even enthusiasm (e.g. in certain courses, working on certain projects, working directly with clients, etc.). However, there were also many moments where I was not fully engaged and loving my courses or the required work. I did know, however, that this was what I needed to do to reach the stage in my life where I could open and operate my own private practice. Even in the tough moments, I was able to be in a state of acceptance.

    If I were to differentiate between acceptance and total energetic misalignment, I would say that in a state of acceptance you can sometimes feel bored, or annoyed, or unmotivated, but you do not feel stuck or in despair. In soul-sucking, completely misaligned work, you may feel your body physically revolting every day, you might feel stuck, depressed, despairing, listless, numb, or any other number of low-vibrational states of being. I’m thinking back in particular to one job I had where it felt hard to get up in the morning, where I took bathroom breaks for as long as I could just to stay sane, where not a single cell in my body wanted to be there, and where it felt physically almost painful to make it through the day. If you find yourself in a situation like that, I highly recommend making a change as soon as you can. Even if the change is to a “transition job” that isn’t exactly what you want to be doing, if you can find something that you can at least accept as part of your evolutionary journey, your purpose will have a fighting chance of showing itself and life will be able to unfold the next aligned steps for you.

  3. Life Purpose is Not Something You Have to Go Out and Try to Do

    Your life purpose is not A+B = C. It’s not a 10-step program to live your best life. It does not ask of you that you go out and try to live it to perfection. It is something that simply unfolds through you every moment you make the choice to align with your true nature. Your life purpose is who you are in the world and the unique frequency you carry. There is nothing to search for because it’s already alive within you.

  4. Life Purpose is the Codes You Carry That the World Needs

    With clients, I use the Gene Keys to go over your unique genetic codes that you came here to embody. In particular when it comes to life purpose, I go over what’s called your Activation Sequence, which outlines your outer purpose, your greatest challenge, what keeps your body healthy as you fulfill your mission, and your inner purpose. These genetic codes are truly such a powerful exploration, and provide a very specific yet nuanced way of looking at the energy that you came here to express. This is the energy that others have access to when they step into your field. If you are curious to start exploring the Gene Keys on your own, you can pull up your free Hologenetic Profile by clicking here. I also highly recommend this website for diving deeper into your Gene Keys. If you’d like my support with this exploration, book a session with me.

  5. Life Purpose Unfolds More Fully the “Cleaner” and Clearer Your Energy Field Becomes

    When someone steps into your energy field, they have access to the codes that you carry. This transmission becomes much more clear and aligned the more clear and aligned you are within your field. This is where the “work” comes in. This work helps to identify the areas in your life where you can become stuck, hooked, or looping in energetic debris and old stories that are no longer serving you.

    When working with clients to help them identify these areas for themselves, I often refer to whichever Energy Centres they have undefined in their Human Design Chart. The Centres that we have undefined in our charts are the energetic areas where we are particularly vulnerable to being pulled off track, living a life that is not truly our own, or just generally pretending (often without realizing we are pretending!) to be someone who we are not. On the flip side, when functioning correctly in a healthy way, your Undefined Centres are beautiful portals to the divine, and are the places in your life where you are sensitive and wise about the world and the people around you. When these centres are clean and clear, your life purpose can shine through beautifully and without distortion. Undefined Energy Centres are a major exploration in Human Design, and a major key to activating your unique purpose. As such, they are a frequent topic of exploration in my 1-1 sessions.

  6. Life Purpose is a Gift for Your Fractal of Consciousness

    This is maybe my favourite item on this list! That’s because it is SO important to recognize that, while your unique life purpose is a gift to the world and to humanity as a whole, this does not mean that it is for everyone. You are not for everyone - no one is! We all have our own fractals of consciousness that we are designed to operate on; The people who truly are fully ready to receive you and your purpose, and the people who you are ready to receive as they fully express their greater purpose. Sometimes this feels like an equal give-and-take energetic exchange relationship, where you are sharing your purpose with someone and they are sharing theirs with you in a balanced way. Other times, you will find yourself receiving codes and activations from someone (e.g. a teacher, mentor, coach, etc.) where they are doing the giving and you are doing the receiving. As well, there will be times when you are transmitting your codes (e.g. to clients, students, mentees, podcast listeners, etc.) where you are doing the giving and they are doing the receiving. We have many different relationships and relationship dynamics throughout our lives, and there are many different ways for a relationship to feel healthy and aligned. The one common factor, however, is that we are always meant to be engaged in relationships with people who are on our fractal.

    While this is a massive exploration in and of itself, I will briefly say that, when you are attuned to it, it becomes so very obvious who is on your fractal and who is not. Someone you’ve never met but whose Instagram posts you always vibe with? They are on your fractal, and you are fully ready to receive what they have to give. Students who have signed up for your online courses? They are on your fractal because they have recognized your gifts and paid you for access to them, showing that they are fully ready to receive your offering. Friends who you can talk to about anything under the sun? They are on your fractal, because you are fully seen and appreciated by them, and they are fully seen and appreciated by you. The filters are dropped and full soul expression is possible.

    How to tell if someone is not on your fractal? Well, that would be the family member who calls you crazy for tapping in to your psychic gifts. The “friend” who gets a scared look in their eyes and who instantly changes the topic of conversation whenever you open up about what truly interests you. The coworker who gets silent and uncomfortable when you share about your dreams for humanity’s collective future. Is there anything wrong with these people? NO! They are just not on your fractal. And, with these people, your life purpose will never have the opportunity to be fully expressed. This, to me, is a great tragedy. So many beautiful souls have so much to offer the world, and yet they believe their gifts are worthless, simply because they have not yet found the people on their fractal who are here to appreciate and benefit from their fullest soul expression.

    A major factor that has helped me align with my fractal is attuning to my Energy Type/Strategy and Inner Authority in Human Design. By making myself seen, waiting for aligned invitations, and trusting my Emotional Authority with each decision in my life (I’m a Projector with Emotional Authority), I am able to align myself and my gifts with the people who are truly ready to receive them (and also, I am able to align myself with teachers and mentors who are instrumental for me on my path). There are five different Energy Types (learn about them all in my free guide!) and seven different Authorities in Human Design, so the way you align with your fractal could look quite different than the way I align with mine. The bottom line is that we all need and deserve to find our fractals of consciousness so that our purposes can fully unfold in the hearts and hands of those who are ready to receive them.

  7. Life Purpose is Always With You - There is Nothing You Can Do to Deactivate it

    No matter how off-track you feel in your life, no matter how miserable you are in your job, no matter how distorted your energy field feels to you or how off your relationships are… your life purpose is still there with you, always. These codes cannot be erased. They can be suppressed, only activated in their “shadow” states (this is a deeper Gene Keys exploration), masked, or dismissed… but they are always there within you. This is because you are so needed on this earth, at this exact time. You came here for a reason - this is no accident! There are people out there just waiting to have access to your unique talents, gifts, skills, and overarching purpose. We all have a fractal that we are on, of people who will truly understand us and who we will truly understand on a deep level. You are part of an interconnected whole, whether you believe it or not!

  8. Life Purpose is Alive Within Every Aligned Decision You Make

    Often when people think about their life purpose, they are on the lookout for the “big” things, like the job, the relationship, the living situation, etc. I’m not saying those foundational aspects of life are not important (they are!). But your life purpose is not dependent of those bigger aspects of life “falling into place.” Your life purpose is constantly unfolding through you, in every single choice you make that aligns with your body and soul.

    For example, a Generator with Sacral Authority is active in their purpose when they engage with whatever is lighting them up in the Now moment. Whether that is going for a hike, writing a report, planting a garden, meeting with a client, playing with a child… all of these aspects contribute equally to them sharing their light and their purpose out in the world on their soul fractal. The combination of their Generator aura and Sacral Authority will lead them to the people, situations, and activities where they will have the opportunity to fully express the unique energetic codes they carry. This doesn’t occur once or in a single “big” moment; It occurs every single day, every single moment, across the entire lifespan.

The bottom line is that the world needs you fully aligned with your soul and your greater purpose. In our current times, this is not something fluffy or selfish, nor is it something that ‘might be nice to get to… some day.’ In our current times, we need as many people as possible coming fully online with their unique life purpose and mission, whether that be activated when it comes to raising children, running a company, caring for the elderly, or growing vegetables.

With love and deep respect for your journey,



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