The Art of Letting Go

Libra full moon eclipse and a deer friend from our dining room window ✨🦌🌝

The very un-glamorous part of aligning with what is meant for you is the process of letting go of what is not meant for you.

Because this part is not nearly as glamorous as calling in the “new stuff” a person desires, it’s often glossed over or not mentioned at all in conversations about aligning with the life you wish to live. 

However, over the years I’ve noticed that with most clients who come to see me, the first step of our work together often involves letting go. Many people arrive in their first session feeling overwhelmed, frazzled, or as though nearly everything in their life is draining them of their vital energy. As one of my Generator clients put it: “It feels like my gut is saying ‘no’ to everything in my life!” Most people desire relationships, careers, and daily routines that feel better for them, and the first step to creating a life that feels better absolutely must involve letting go of so much that is weighing you down and cluttering up your energy field. If your energetic field and your life are both full to the brim, there is no space for anything new. 

That’s why I recommend, when you are first starting to work with Human Design and your Strategy and Authority, to take stock of what is already present in your life. Go through your relationships, work activities, leisure time choices, living situation characteristics, etc. and ask your body for its feedback. What does your body say “yes” to? What does your body say “no” to? What is your body unsure about? Taking inventory is the first step, prior to taking the needed actions to release what your body has told you is a “no.” The releasing doesn’t need to happen all at once, by any means. Often, it is healthy for releases to happen over a period of time, so that your body and nervous system can recalibrate and readjust. Depending on what needs to be released, grief may be involved, and grief takes time to move through. This is the work. Letting go is not any less important than calling in - in fact, I would argue that it’s even more important! When your life and energy field are clearer, and when you set the standard for what you would like to accept into your life, more “hell yes” opportunities, relationships, thought patterns, etc. will inevitably be magnetized into your field.  

Again, this process of letting go takes time and gentleness. When I began experimenting with my Human Design Strategy and Authority nearly five years ago, I quickly realized that most of what was in my life was a resounding “no” from my body. I clearly saw the ways I had created the life I found myself in through “not-self” patterns and conditioning in my open energy centres. My mind, ego, and conditioning had created a life that may have looked just fine on the outside, but was absolutely not who I came here to be as the unique individual that I am. Right away, the process of letting go began. Some things were easy to let go of, but most things fell somewhere between hard and excruciating. It’s not easy to let go of a place, a living situation, a job, an athletic pursuit, a relationship, and many friendships. And it’s excruciating to extract inner beliefs, thoughts, and patterns; Things you perhaps once believed were an inherent part of who you are. The process of letting go is almost guaranteed to be painful, challenging, and long. No wonder it’s not often spoken about in the coaching/transformation/spirituality online space! “Painful”, “challenging”, and “long” are not typically words that sell programs. But the truth of the matter is that waking up to your true self and having the courage to see patterns and feel your wounding is painful. Life is meant to carry challenges - it’s how we grow. If it was all smooth sailing all the time, we would not evolve, which is (I believe) why we are here in human form. And the best things in life - the things that are really worth doing - often take some time. When you recalibrate to the pace of your body, you recalibrate to the pace of nature, which is often much slower than the pace we become accustomed to in our modern world. Doing this, and re-wiring or letting go of any outdated patterns, might feel extremely uncomfortable at first, as though you are doing something wrong. However, over time and with a deep commitment to listening to yourself through your Inner Authority, a new reality begins to take shape in your life that feels better on every level than the inauthentic patterns you may have previously been running.

Human Design doesn’t help you “manifest” what your mind thinks it wants. It does something far, far better and more deeply fulfilling than that: It gives you the chance to live the life your soul came here to live. It gives you the chance to fully express your divine gifts in human form. By having the courage to let go of a life that was never truly yours to live, you gradually create space for all that was always meant for you to come in. “Fulfilling” truly is the best word to describe it. You create space for more fulfillment in all areas of your life: Health, relationships, career, purpose, family, friends, etc. 

If you are in a season of letting go of who you know you’re not and what you know is not truly meant for you, and would like guidance and support with this process, I would love to work with you. This work is potent and meaningful; This work lights up our entire world. And you don’t need to do it alone.

May we each have the courage to release the physical and non-physical blockages that are standing in the way of living our highest purpose and potential, for the betterment of our own lives and the collective humanity. 


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