Accepting Your Mission

Accepting your mission is like walking through the portal to your highest potential

Accepting your mission is like walking through the portal to your highest potential

I believe that you accept your mission on this Earth the day you commit to experimenting with your Strategy and Authority. Even if you don’t want to; Even when living in that way goes against everything you have ever believed or been taught.

Because everything is energy. And following your Strategy and Authority aligns you with the way energy (e.g. LIFE) wants to move to and through you.

As I wrote in my last blog post, I have been following my Strategy and Authority for a little over a year. It is absolutely mind-bending to look at everything that has changed in that time. Following my Strategy and Authority was really hard for me at first. So many parts of myself resisted the changes I knew I needed to make. I realized that I have deep wounds around productivity and competition that were quite painful to examine. These wounds correspond to the open Heart and Sacral centres of my bodygraph, where I imprinted familial and societal expectations around these themes.

It takes tremendous courage to examine the parts of the Self that feel shadowy, dark, and painful. It can be extremely difficult to decide to put down something you have been carrying for years, even though it is clear that the time has come to move on.

Yesterday, I felt called to read more about an aspect of Human Design called the Incarnation Cross. Your Incarnation Cross is your true purpose on this planet. However, you do not arrive there simply by reading about your Cross and then deciding to “try” to get to its meaning! It can be tempting to want to start with the Cross, but the real starting point is Strategy and Authority.

When you start your experiment by beginning to live according to your Strategy and Authority and functioning in the world as the differentiated human being you were born to be, your true purpose (e.g. your Incarnation Cross) takes over your life.

You do not awaken to your true purpose, but rather you awaken as you begin to fully embody it.

Yesterday, I re-read a short description of my Incarnation Cross, which reads: “People who understand that one’s proper direction (alignment) is something of great beauty which satisfies their needs, refines their whole experience of life and leads to the fulfillment of their purpose.” (from Lynda Bunnell and Ra Uru Hu’s The Definitive Book of Human Design).

Your Incarnation Cross is something that plays out over the course of your life. It is not a destination but an ongoing reason for why you are on Earth at this time. What amazed me the most about reading the description of my Cross yesterday is how it would have made absolutely no sense to me before I began to experiment with my Strategy and Authority. Yet now - only one year into experimenting with these concepts - my Incarnation Cross description fits exactly with where my life is headed: Helping people to align with the highest version of themselves to experience joy and fulfill their purpose.

It is truly, truly amazing how magical Strategy and Authority are. Human Design begins and ends with these concepts. Your experiment starts with these fundamentals, and they continue to be the most important components of your chart as you explore deeper levels.

I have so much confidence in my mission, my purpose, and everything I am doing here with Human Design Counselling because it is literally what I came to this planet to do. This is it. Some days I think I’d rather hide away doing something more “normal.” Those days of doubt are getting fewer and farther between as time goes on. Most days now, I am so excited to be here and to serve humanity in the way my soul chose, with the gifts I currently have at my disposal.

If you feel called to start your Human Design experiment and to begin lining up to your purpose, my self-paced course called Align with your Design is available now.


What’s Hard and What’s Easy


Aligning with my Design